
2020-09-17 20:45   来源: 互联网    阅读次数:3670

名    称:中华民国开九年造袁大头试铸币

规    格: 直径3.9cm重:18.8g

数    量:     一  枚    

合作方式:    议  价


In April 1912, Yuan Shikai became president. In view of the complexity of coinage and banknotes at the trial, the circulation of more than one hundred Chinese and foreign currencies, different specifications, chaotic circulation, cumbersome conversions, and people's grievances, the Beiyang government also wanted to use currency reform to solve the military expenditure problem, so it decided to coin a national currency. . In order to improve his dominance, Yuan Shikai took the opportunity to cast his head on the coin, and "Yuan Datou" came from this. "Yuan Datou" was first minted in the third year of the Republic of China, and the coin was designated as the national currency of the Republic of China Therefore, it has a very important position in the history of my country's currency.


Trial coins are not used in the market without government permission, and circulating coins are used in the market through permission. The Yuan Shikai image cast by the Republic of China on the back of the Golden Harvest One Yuan silver coin, commonly known as "Yuan Big Head", before the official opening of the silver coin, the same process of stamping and testing machine with copper or copper plus silver or silver is used. The result of the trial casting is called trial casting. Sample currency. "Initial trial coin"-refers to any mechanical coin, all coin minting work has been completed properly, and it is produced "after" the approval of coin minting.

北洋政府鉴于当时铸币、纸币十分复杂,流通的中外货币在百种以上,规格不一,流通混乱,折算繁琐,民众积怨,同时也想借助货币改制以解决军费问题,便决定铸发国币。袁世凯为了提高自己的统治地位,趁机把他的头像铸于币面,“袁大头”由此而来. “袁大头”首次的铸造时间是民国九年,而且该币被定为中华民国国币。

In view of the complexity of coinage and banknotes at the time, the circulation of Chinese and foreign currencies was more than a hundred, with different specifications, chaotic circulation, cumbersome conversion, and people's grievances. At the same time, it also wanted to use currency reform to solve the military expenditure problem, so it decided to mint national currency. In order to improve his dominance, Yuan Shikai took the opportunity to cast his head on the coin, and the "Yuan Datou" came from this. The first time of "Yuan Datou" was cast in the ninth year of the Republic of China, and the coin was designated as the national currency of the Republic of China .


The front of this Yuan Datou coin minted in the 9th year of the Republic of China is a side view of Yuan Shikai's bust in military uniform. The seven characters "Made in the 9th year of the Republic of China" are listed above. The pattern on the back of the coin is two pairs of Golden Harvests, with a knotted belt at the bottom. The Golden Harvest pattern is clear and fine, coarsely subdivided, and has a strong sense of layering; the center is the coin value "One Yuan", and the outer ring is a straight toothed edge. This coin has a natural and thick patina, exquisite carving, uniform decorative lines, smooth and natural, and the font is correct and neat, and it is beautiful and handsome, which shows that the carving craftsmanship of the craftsman is very superb. The design of the whole coin is simple but elegant, concise but not unique, very beautiful and handsome, which shows that the craftsman's carving craftsmanship is very superb. The design of the whole coin is simple but elegant, simple but chic, and very exquisite. The coin is of excellent copper quality, regular in shape, and very delicate and beautiful. The part is slightly worn. The trial coin is not used in the market because it is the first time it is cast. Silver is changed to copper, and the copper water is cooled by the machine. Therefore, the trial coin is a sample of the finished product in the world and a reference for the subsequent silver coin. This coin is bright in color, excellent in appearance, natural patina, and shallow in texture. Moderate, with high art appreciation and collection value.


After the “initial trial coin” is produced, the defects are found after inspection, fine-tuning, correction, and drawing, and then re-casting, to the stage where it can be submitted to the Imperial Examination for approval. The batch of coins is called the “trial coin”. After that, there is a stage of "submission of sample coins", which is to submit one by one for approval, and then mass-produce circulation of silver coins. As for the trial coins, the non-positive castings were mostly destroyed after being stamped out, but some of them survived, but they are precious varieties for collection.
